Ontario – Bolton - Albion Park Skate Park

GPS: 43.88871, -79.74988

14111 Hwy 50, Bolton, ON

Type: Concrete

Parking: Yes

Park Lights: No

Bolton is home to one of the wildest bowls in Ontario, combined with a fun, straight-run styled plaza. If sessioning transition is your thing, this park is a must for the Ontario list. The bowl features multiple hips and a long curving spine, in addition to the massive extension and hip setup. The plaza offers multiple ledges, stairs, and a flat bank walls. The lines in the plaza do tend to be a bit back and forth, and can become crowded quickly if the park is busy.

The Bolton Skate Park is located in Albion-Bolton District Park with parking available in the Caledon Centre For Recreation and Wellness.


Woodbridge Hillside Skate Spot – 26 minutes

Woodbridge Vellore Village – 27 minutes

Orangeville Park – 28 minutes

Brampton Chingaucousy Park – 29 minutes

Acton Three Musketeers Park – 42 minutes

Session Atlas - Ontario - Bolton

Feature Finder Key: bowl, plaza, street, transition, double coping spine, street spine, extension, vert wall, hip, curved spine, ledge, hubba, rails, curved ledge, sub box, wedge